
Virtual Issues

Virtual issues are online-only collections of content published in either Wader Study or Wader Study Group Bulletin, since 1970, each highlighting papers on a specific topic. These issues will cover everything from expeditions to detailed reports of scientific findings with major implications for the conservation of shorebird populations globally. Their publication is not scheduled nor will be regular, but check back regularly as new virtual issues are planned for release.

Fiftieth Anniversary of the IWSG

Over the last fifty years, the International Wader Study Group has brought together everyone with a passion for waders, the habitats they use and their conservation. The Wader Study Group was started in the 1970s and was very much centred on wader ringing in Britain; fifty years later and the group has become truly international (When WSG went international). Its members include research scientists, citizen scientists and conservation practitioners from around the world and therefore, the IWSG has stayed at the cutting-edge of knowledge about wading birds globally. This has, in part, been achieved by its journal, Wader Study (formerly – Wader Study Group Bulletin, WSGB) which has provided the perfect platform to publish articles about shorebirds. Since 1970, the IWSG has published three issues a year, providing peer-reviewed papers on the results of wader research globally and a key forum for the discussion of wader-related news, notices and commentary. These papers and articles have included preliminary studies and descriptive work, and completed methodological and scientific studies on all aspects of wader ecology and conservation.

In order to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the IWSG, Wader Study is publishing five Virtual Issues which collate articles from across all decades since the first edition of the WSGB in 1970. Each Virtual Issue will not necessarily be a compilation of the most relevant papers of a certain topic, but rather a collection that reflects the rich history of the IWSG. These articles will only be a small selection of papers from each decade and so you are encouraged to navigate through the many issues of the WSGB and Wader Study to discover many more.