
Wader Study

Volume 122

Issue 2  Sep 2015

Issue 122-2 is now online. Your paper copy will arrive soon.


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Wanted: interesting papers on waders
Tianjin’s tragic explosions highlight risks to the coastal environment from China’s expanding chemical industries
Geolocators like ‘baby monitors’ to study breeding behaviour
Research Paper
An experiment to examine how Red Knots Calidris canutus rufa and other shorebirds respond to oyster culture at Reed’s Beach, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Research Paper
Breeding ecology of Wandering Tattlers Tringa incana: a study from south-central Alaska
Research Paper
Annual variation in habitat use by Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus and Eurasian Golden Plovers Pluvialis apricaria wintering in Portugal
Research Paper
Morphological variation in spring migrant and wintering American Golden-Plovers Pluvialis dominica
Research Paper
An overwintering group of Red Knots Calidris canutus roselaari in Las Garzas Lagoon, Nayarit, Mexico
Research Paper
Study of incubation, chick rearing and breeding phenology of Red Knots Calidris canutus rogersi in sub-Arctic Far Eastern Russia aided by geolocators
Research Paper
Foraging ecology and conservation of waders along coast of India: Need for detailed studies
Short Communication
Javan Plover Charadrius javanicus on Belitung Island, a new site for Sumatra (Indonesia)
Short Communication
Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta in Sumatra: a new species for Indonesia
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Thesis abstracts
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Notes & News