Red Knot rufa wintering population crashes to a new low
The Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network WHSRN reports results of the last aerial surveys in Tierra del Fuego. This winter a very low numbers of Calidris canutus rufa were recorded with only 9,840 ind when 13,127 ind. were recorded in January 2017. This is the second lowest record since the surveys began (after 2011 with 9,850 birds). Poor feeding condition in Delaware Bay recorded in May 2017 resulted in lower survival would be involved. Low water temperatures have delayed the ashore coming of Horseshoe Crabs to lay their eggs.
Read more about results of the 2018 annual aerial survey on the WHSR website:

The survey crew for Bahía Lomas flight. Left to right: Capt. Francisco Esquivel, Dr. Guy Morrison, Sra. Jocelyn Velasquez, Sr. Antonio Larrea. ©Guy Morrison for the WHSRN
Featured image : Red knot rufa ©Breese Greg, USFWS