
Only two days left to apply for the 2017 IWSG Small Projects Grants!

IWSG Small Projects Grants

Since 2016, the International Wader Study Group have annually been funding small projects through the newly established IWSG Small Projects Grants.

The aim is to support shorebird studies that otherwise will not go ahead. This could be all sorts of projects related to waders (shorebirds): ecological and/or conservation research, pilot studies looking at biological aspects of a single or a few species, or counts of staging birds at unexplored sites. Or something completely different! Application is open for IWSG members who have a project idea that could be undertaken if supported with a small amount of money (currently 1000 pounds sterling per project).

In the below link you can find a description of criteria and the application form. The IWSG Executive Committee has appointed an evaluation committee that will judge the applications, and decide which project will be awarded.

Hurry up!, applications should be submitted by December 1th of each year, and a decision will be made before 1st of May.

Application form IWSG Small Project Grants Call.

Last year, the 2016 IWSG Small Project Grants was attributed to Glenda D. Hevia to support his reaserach about the impact of human activities on Two-Banded Plovers (Charadrius falklandicus) breeding at beaches in Northern Patagonia, Argentina. You can follow the study at this ResearchGate Project page!: Photo: ©Darío Podestá.