Obituary – Hugh Boyd 12 May 1925–3 July 2016
247 – 249
1 December 16
Guy Morrison, Tony Fox, Doug Heyland, Nicola Crockford
Public Files
Hugh Boyd was a true pioneer and a giant in the world of waterbird research and conservation during the late 20th century. Although his passing marks the end of an era, he leaves a rich legacy of important international conservation initiatives and a generation of scientists and biologists inspired by his example.
Guy Morrison, Tony Fox, Doug Heyland and Nicola Crockford wrote the attached obituary.
With thanks to Clive Minton, Tim Davis, Tim Jones and Humphrey Sitters for their recollections. Thanks also to Mike Smart, Nicola Bacetti, Mike Moser and Gerard Boere for help with identifying all the persons in Fig. 1.