Joint conference of the Waterbird Society and the International Wader Study Group, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, September 2013
103 – 165
26 October 14
International Wader Study Group and the Waterbird Society
Public Files
Between 24 and 30 September 2013, the joint annual conference of the International Wader Study Group and the 37th annual meeting of the Waterbird Society took place in the German port of Wilshelmshaven. Lasting a full week, it was one of the largest and longest conferences of its kind that has ever taken place. An aggregate of 307 delegates attended for at least part of the time; 179 delegates attended the WbS meeting, 179 delegates attended the IWSG conference (51 attended both).
This document contains the full conference report, with abstracts of all plenaries, symposium presentations, and general orals an posters.