Authors’ supplemental note relating to Wader Study Group Bull. 117(2): 123–130.
Authors’ supplemental note (2014, Wader Study Group Bull. Vol 121(1): 53) relating to:
Niles, L.J., Burger, J., Porter, R.R., Dey, A.D., Minton, C.D.T., Gonzalez, P.M., Baker, A.J., Fox, J.W. & Gordon, C. 2010. First results using light level geolocators to track Red Knots in the Western Hemisphere show rapid and long intercontinental flights and new details of migration pathways. Wader Study Group Bull. 117(2): 123–130.
Here we present a detailed account of the tracks taken by the three Red Knots fitted with geolocators and referred to in the paper as Birds Y0U, Y0Y and 1VL (the birds’ flag codes). These data are based on a thorough evaluation of the birds’ geolocator output taking account of local conditions, particularly cloud cover, using the methods described in Porter & Smith (2013) to which the reader should refer.