Movements of Dunlins Calidris alpina ringed along the Norwegian coast
37 – 44
1 April 07
Even Tjørve, Kathleen M. C. Tjørve
Even Tjørve
Lillehammer University College, Storhove, N-2626 Lillehammer, Norway
Public Files
Ring-recovery data and counts show that the Norwegian coast comprises one of the major flyways for north European Dunlin populations, especially in autumn when most are juveniles probably from breeding areas in W Siberia. Young may choose the coastal flyway because it involves shorter flights and more frequent feeding opportunities. Alternatively, their inexperience may make them rely on the coast as a geographical leading line. On average juveniles take a month to migrate from N to S Norway; much longer than adults. Most leave Norway by crossing to Denmark, but some go direct to the British Isles or the NW coast of the European continent. Most winter in the British Isles or along the continental coast from the Netherlands to Iberia, but some go to NW Africa or the Mediterranean. Very few Dunlins ringed as juveniles in Norway are recovered there later in life. Most use the Baltic flyway in subsequent years, but some, probably originating in the Kara Sea area, use the Black Sea flyway. Birds recovered wintering in NW Africa are those that were ringed in early autumn, indicating that they are local Norwegian breeding birds belonging to the schinzii subspecies.