Long term reproduction data of Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus along a Mediterranean coast
114 – 119
1 August 12
Loris Pietrelli, Massimo Biondi
Loris Pietrelli
Garol, Via del Castello, 17 - 00119 Rome, Italy.
Public Files
Since the 1990s, the nest site preferences, breeding biology, population trend, habitat use and ecology of the Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus have been studied along the sandy beaches of Latium, central Italy. Kentish Plovers breed there from the second week of March to the end of June. Until 2003, each female produced 0.64–0.79 fledged young per season and many second clutches were laid. But during 2007–2009 females only produced 0.31–0.59 fledged young per season and hardly any second clutches were laid. Moreover the number of pairs and the number of sites used halved. We attribute the decline in the population to increased human recreational use of the nesting beaches, especially the daily cleaning of sand using heavy mechanical equipment.