Number 2 – The conservation of international flyway populations of waders
1 – 149
1 January 87
N. C. Davidson (editor), M. W. Pienkowski (editor),
N. C. Davidson & M. W. Pienkowski
The proceedings concentrate on knowledge and conservation of migratory species of waders, particularly those that breed in arctic, sub-arctic and northern temperate regions. Species breeding in the tropics and southern temperate regions are not covered in detail. We define a wader flyway in its simplest sense, as the migration route(s) and areas used by a wader population in moving between its breeding and wintering grounds. In using the term ‘flyway’ which has a varied history, we wish to draw attention to the various approaches which have been used in the major regions of the world, into which the migrations of individual species and populations can be more or less conveniently Grouped. We do not wish to imply that there is any hard and fast separation between such ‘flyways’, nor any excessive generalisation as to their biological significance as opposed to the convenience of this approach.
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