Research Paper
Wader Study Group Bulletin
Volume 117

Issue 3 Dec 2010
December 2010
Research Paper
Local mortality events in migrating sandpipers (Calidris) at a staging site in southern Brazil
Research Paper
Updated breeding range of the Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus with additional data on nest densities
Research Paper
Spring migration and breeding biology of Stone-Curlews Burhinus oedicnemus on the north-west Atlantic coast of Morocco
Research Paper
The migration of Red Knots through Porsangerfjord in spring 2010: a progress report on the Norwegian Knot Project
Research Paper
Variation in timing, behaviour, and plumage of spring migrant Bar-tailed Godwits on the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta, Alaska
Short Communication
Post-fledging growth in a migrating juvenile Bar-tailed Godwit
Short Communication
Longevity, movements, and site fidelity in Wandering Tattlers Heteroscelus incanus
Short Communication
A new southernmost record of White-faced Plover Charadrius dealbatus
Short Communication
Three records of Red Knots Calidris canutus possibly changing flyways
Other Material
Correspondence: It’s Calidrine
Other Material