Calidris canutus (Rekn, Red Knot)
Project Name: Chukotka Shorebird Project
Correspondent researcher: Pavel Tomkovich
Researchers: Pavel Tomkovich, Ron Porter, Egor Loktionov, Larry Niles
Bibliographic citation: Tomkovich P.S., Porter R.R., Loktionov E.Y. & L.J. Niles. 2013. Pathways and staging areas of Red Knots Calidris canutus rogersi breeding in southern Chukotka, Far Eastern Russia. Wader Study Group Bull. 120(3): 181–193.
ReknChu176_1112: Typical migration
01jul11 deployed Chukotka, N62.6xE177.1
31jul11 left Chukotka, 30 days later
31jul11 arrived Kamchatka, near N60.4xE163.3
09aug10 left Kamchatka, stayed 9 days
flightpath south around peninsula
10aug10 arrived west of Sakhalin, N54.5xE134.8
14aug10 left Sakhalin region, stayed 4 days
16aug10 arrived Eastern Bohai Sea, stayed 6 days then moves west to Bohai Bay
10sep10 left Bohai Bay, stayed 18 days
flight 4.8d, 5800km, MMS 50km/h, mixed winds
15sep10 arrived Australia, near S11.8xE133.2
stays only 4 hours! relocates westward into Carpentaria Bay near S16.5xE141.3
01nov10 left Carpentaria, stayed 46 days
05nov10 arrived New Zealand
19feb11 Resighted in Kaipara Harbour
27mar11 left New Zealand, stayed 143 days
flight 6.9d, 10,100km !! MMS 61km/h, favorable winds
03apr11 arrived Bohai Bay, near N39.0xE119.2
27&28apr11 Resighted near N39.0xE118.4
05may11 left Bohai Bay, stayed 32 days
Relocated west to the coast near Panjin, N40.5xE122.2
20may11 left Panjin area, stayed 15 days
24may11 arrived Chukotka
07jul11 geolocator recovered, 44 days later
Route variability in Calidris canutus of Chukotka
Northbound routes are easterly, southbound routes are westerly. The long oceanic flights have no indications of stops en route. Of these 3, two wintered in New Zealand, one in Carpentaria Bay, Australia.