
Shorebird Atlas of Peru Now Available

On 3 February 2015, during an event in Lima celebrating World Wetlands Day, the Government of Peru presented the Atlas de las Aves Playeras del Perú: Sitios Importantes para su Conservación (Shorebird Atlas of Peru: Important Sites for Conservation), authored by shorebird experts Nathan Senner and Fernando Angulo Pratolongo.

This great achievement was made possible through the collaboration of dozens of partners, including Peru’s Ministry of Environment, CORBIDI, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, BirdLife International, and Asociacion Calidris.

The atlas represents the first comprehensive census of shorebirds on the Peruvian coast. Beginning in February 2010, over 150 volunteer observers from various countries registered more than 100,000 shorebirds of 31 species during the ambitious effort. The 293-page publication contains information about species abundance and by sites, the history of shorebird research in the country, methods used, results, and recommendations for prioritizing important sites.


To read more, go to WHSRN news.