Save the date!: 4-5 November 2017 – 4th Wader Conservation World Watch
The 4th WCWW will take place on the 4th and 5th November 2017.
“Make a note in your diary to join in the fun!
To take part is as simple as A,B,C.
A. Go out and see waders/shorebirds wherever you are in the world.
B. Send us an email telling us what you have seen and where.
C. Look for your birds on the species list and your name on the roll of honour on this website.
You will also receive a Wader Quest The Newsletter WCWW e-newsletter special to your email address with all the results, lists and the roll of honour.
It is that easy; no registration required just good old-fashioned bird watching… Oh! And an email.“
Wader Quest is a charity that aims to involve local groups and communities in Wader conservation. Read more about Wader Conservation World Watch: here

2016 results of WCWW: 125 species reported by 245 observers of 38 countries on 6 continents in all 9 flyways. ©Wader Quest