Results of a coordinated count of Eurasian Golden Plovers Pluvialis apricaria in Europe during October 2008
125 – 128
1 August 12
Simon Gillings, Andris Avontins, Olivia Crowe, Svetla Dalakchieva, Koen Devos, Jaanus Elts, Martin Green, Tómas Grétar Gunnarsson, Romke Kleefstra, Vojtěch Kubelka, Teemu Lehtiniemi, Włodzimierz Meissner, Egle Paksyte, Lars Rasmussen, György Szimuly, Johannes Wahl
Simon Gillings
British Trust for Ornithology, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 2PU, UK.
Public Files
The Eurasian Golden Plover is a species that is inadequately covered by standard European monitoring schemes, largely due to its terrestrial passage and wintering habitats. This paper reports on the second attempt at an international coordinated survey of autumn passage birds at a time when they are most concentrated in the smallest areas. In October 2008, professional and volunteer surveyors searched for Eurasian Golden Plovers in 16 countries, eight more than in the previous survey in October 2003, including significant figures from Iceland and Lithuania. In total, 1,068,507 Eurasian Golden Plovers were counted, representing an apparent 1% decline since 2003. However, country-level coverage was variable and the apparent shortfall is within the margin of survey error. Country-level trends are discussed in relation to coverage and autumn weather patterns.